Monday 23 September 2019

On the 19th of September, we made projects to improve our playground [tick, tack, toe][a water run][ring toss][mud kitchen]

chinese titles

Thursday 19 September 2019

seeking help

Today I was learning how to act when people are being mean
I enjoyed making my drawing
I found nothing challenging
My digital learning object show that I know what to do
Next I would change nothing

Wednesday 18 September 2019

calendar art

today I finished my calendar art :)

Thursday 12 September 2019

Netiquette learning

Today I was learning how to use google drawings
I enjoyed creating really cool colours
I found it challenging to get the size of the title on the drawing
My digital learning object shows that I now what netiquette means
Next time I would change nothing

Thursday 5 September 2019

The Power of Words

Today I was learning about the powerful words.
I enjoyed inserting images and learning lots.
I found it challenging to find the right images that are marked for reuse.
My digital learning object shows that I don't need to worry about images that are marked for reuse.

Next time I would change the way I coloured the slides