Friday 12 March 2021

First blog at Campion

 Hello, My name is Charlie, I go to Campion College this is my first blog at Campion.

This is all my modules and impact projects

Today we are going to do our Impact project, For this I have science experiments last week we designed and began to build our  bottle rockets. 

My impact project is science experiments This week we will be launching the rockets, the rockets work like this, we fill the bottles up around halfway with water and then we put a rubber cap on top in the bottle lid after this go to the caretakers shed where he should have an air compressor and we fill the rest of the bottle until it shoots up of the tripod and into the sky, and if all goes well we should get the rockets to around 100m in the air.

Yesterday, we were supposed to go to the pool to do swimming challenges\fun day but in rained to much so NOBODY! was prepared a lot of people were carrying their swimming togs around the entire day, Quite a few people didn't have there chrome-books. I was sad since we couldn't go swimming.

Cafe styles. Cafe class is arts and food so what we do is we make up our cafe name, T-shirts, Uniforms, business card, logos. And for the food side we figure out what foods you can sell in a cafe so we have done Brownie cake, poached and scrambled eggs, Wedges, Smoothies and Fruit muffins. This is portfolio so its some of my work. 

Numeracy, this the fancy word for numbers or maths, in this class we learn bedmas.
I want to challenge you to this equation 2+a=5? can you Figure it out also let me know what the "a" means let me know in the comments. 
BEDMAS is...


Literacy, this class is reading and writing, one of my favorite activities that were doing is we read/listen to this text that was playing on the T.V. and the we had to draw 1 picture for each paragraph and there were about 8 paragraphs. But then for each picture we wrote a paragraph in our own words

Invasion games, this P.E class, but its like navigation class? because we also learn about how to use a compass and how it helps us, on of my favorite things we were doing is playing this game where there's 2 footballs and 2 chairs, the 2 chairs are on separate sides of the field and you have to  

Thank-you for reading my entire blog, I know it was long but I wanted to capture everything so I can look back and see what I did as a year 7.
This cat Emoji is for everyone who read the entire blog 


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