Friday 21 August 2020

Sacraments of Initiation

 This week we have been learning about sacraments of initiation.

The three sacraments of initiation are eucharist, Confirmation and Baptism.

The sacraments are a sign of god's presences. 

I found nothing tricky to do.

I found it easy to insert the pictures.

I my digital learning shows that I know what the sacraments of initiation are.

Thursday 20 August 2020

The Pouakai (Haast’s eagle)

This week we have been writing about extinct native animals to New Zealand
Pouakai (Haast’s eagle)

The Haast’s eagle is the largest eagle to ever live.

The Moāri name for the haast eagle is Pouakai. 

The eagles wings were bigger than the a Smart Fortwo the wingspan is 3000 mm the cars length is 2,695 mm.

You would be able to find them in forests and near a lot of bush places. It lived on the South Island of New Zealand, there were no large predators there, until the māori people came.

The bill for the bird was up to 130 mm long.

The male eagle was smaller than 

the female eagle.

It preyed on large flightless birds like the moa which is 15x its weight the haast eagle weighs 17.8 kgs, and the moa weighed 230 kgs.

The māori hunted māori the moa to extinction due to the Haast’s eagles diet which quickly went extinct.

They also went extinct because of the burning of the south island about 500-600 years ago.


Monday 17 August 2020

Maths times table

 Today I went on a maths times table website.

This my graph on how good I did red means wong and green means right my some of my classmates got orange which we think means you didn't press enter in time. I am still learning a lot of times tables

I just learnt my 3x and 6x tables for this website

Friday 14 August 2020

Faith GIF

this is my faith gif we learnt about faith we were learning about what faith, god and jesus mean to us
I split up the R.E challenge poster