Thursday 22 October 2020

The Crystal Crescent book review

 Today we finished reading the Crystal Crescent after we finished it we wrote a book review.

This is my book review. 

Tui Ridge Camp 2020

 Today we were writing out our camp rules and goals

Next week we are going on camp we are going to a place called Tui Ridge

we are going to do activetes like slingshot paint ball, laser tag and much, much more

I had fun writing my goals

I found it tricky to think of rules

These are my Camp Goals 2020

 This is my Camp rules at Tui Ridge

Wednesday 14 October 2020

Lunapic collage

 Today we were doing digital artwork. We were inspired by Andy Warhol to change and swap the colors on a selfie

Today I was learning how to use lunapic

I enjoyed changing the colours

I found it challenging to find the NZ flag

My digital learning object shows that I know how to use lunapic

Next time I would change nothing I like the way it looks

for the NZ flag I did UPLOAD > FILTERS > COUNTRY FLAGS > ART > and choose what art background.