Wednesday 22 April 2020

My Fort

Today I was learning about how to build a fort like the soldiers did in the Gallipoli campaign
I enjoyed sitting/lying down and doing my work
I found it challenging to stay cool under the heat in my fort
My digital learning object shows that I know how to build a fort
Next time I would change nothing
FYI the cup in the background was empty and the sandwich was there for the photo only I ate it out side of the fort

Tuesday 21 April 2020

The Gallipoli Campaign

Today I was learning about the gallipoli campaign in 1915
I found it challenging to get the right angle on my chromebook
After making a mistake the first time round, my digital learning object shows that I have now learnt how to embed a video on my blog
8,000 australians died in the Gallipoli campaign
This how Mrs Torrie showed me how to embed my screencastify on to my blog click here I watched the forth video

Thursday 16 April 2020

My Lockdown Diary Page 3&4

For page 4 we had to write/draw what was different and I didn't really notice anything from my bedroom window. Have you noticed anything different form your bedroom window?