Tuesday 21 April 2020

The Gallipoli Campaign

Today I was learning about the gallipoli campaign in 1915
I found it challenging to get the right angle on my chromebook
After making a mistake the first time round, my digital learning object shows that I have now learnt how to embed a video on my blog
8,000 australians died in the Gallipoli campaign
This how Mrs Torrie showed me how to embed my screencastify on to my blog click here I watched the forth video


  1. Yassou Charlie,
    Your Minecraft scene is incredible. What did you learn about the Gallipoli campaign from watching the video before you completed this task?
    Mā te wā,
    Mrs Naden

    1. Talofa Charlie,
      Maybe you could write how to embed a video onto our blogs in case other people have the same problems. That would be very helpful for your readers to know.
      Mā te wā,
      Mrs Naden


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