Friday 29 May 2020

Hail mary

In the last week we have been learning how to do the hail mary in sign language this is me trying to attempt  it


For the last couple of weeks we have been learning about  Writing we have been learning to use a hook. We had to use juicy verbs and different sentence starters.
I found it easy to use different sentence starters.
I found it challenging to write on some slides
Next time I would change nothing

The Fake Soccer Tournament

This week for Writing we have been learning to use a hook. We had to use juicy verbs and different sentence starters.
I found it easy to use different sentence starters.
I found it challenging to use juicy verbs.
Next time I would add more juicy verbs to paint a picture in the reader's mind.
 OWW!  I landed on my shoulder after someone tripped me up and I heard someone to give me CPR although I wasn’t dead. GOAL! We screamed as Logan scored an outstanding goal from halfway off the left post which is hard to hit and a couple minutes later Cole did the exact same thing but a bit closer.
But then when we started again at the middle someone rushed him as soon as he kicked it and they smashed his ankle he said “it felt like having a twisted ankle for a long time”

Everyone was astonished by the score 
When we won 7 to 3. And then we went inside because the bell rang.

It felt like winning the World Cup

Monday 25 May 2020

The Ascension Of Jesus

Today we were listing and learning about the ascension of Jesus

I enjoyed goofing around with the shapes

I found it challenging to use google drawing

My digital learning object shows that I know what the

Next time I would change the stick figures

Next time I would change

Henri Matisse

We were learning about Henri Matisse.
He was from france and died on the 3 of November 1954

We had to use primary colours + black and white to make the colours we wanted.
We had to blend the colours in white to show light direction .
Then we used black pastel to add detail.

What I Read

Wednesday 6 May 2020

what is coding?

What is coding? 
Coding is a digital language used for
computers if you play around with codes
and you typed in “step 4 backward” It will
take 4 steps backward. If you had a box 
On the screen and it said beside it 

(42, 300, 54) and you played with it and
changed the numbers you could make the
box huge or tiny