Friday 13 November 2020

POP ART Composition

 Today we made our pop art, we had to use the tool "Art colouring book" it was so fun and quick we had to pretend the we were at our houses in the summer holidays so nobody was allowed to talk.

We had to watch all the videos that were on our class blog and then we started to colour.

This was the site we used Art Colouring Book:

I chose this one at the bottom because it looked really funky and kind of crazy.

It was tricky to choose a photo to colour in.

I found it easy to colour in the photo

The person who made composition was Mohamed Melehi was Born in 1936. he was an art director at the ministry of culture and cultural consultant to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and cooperation.

This was Mohamed Melehi style of the art

This is my style of his artwork

Tuesday 10 November 2020

Rat Island prediction

 Today we filled out a form about the story "Rat Island" and we looked at the at the summary on the back the title and the cover and had jot down a couple of ideas on what the story might be about this was my prediction.

Friday 6 November 2020

Parihaka feather

 For parihaka we red 8 different information cards. And we had to fill in puzzle pieces and at the end it shaped like a feather here is a photo of our feather.

At the start of the 8th card it was fine but when it got to the end it didn't make sense but my partner figured it out.

On the 5 of november we remember all the people who died at parihaka.

Parihaka is a bit south of taranaki, on the fifth

Camp letter

 This week we have been writing letters to Tui Ridge I wrote to Norm who was hosting us there and letting us stay there Tui Ridge was so fun it was the time of life.                                                                                  Here is my letter to Norm.

Charlie M

40 Campion Rd


5 November 2020

Dear Norm

Thank-you for letting us come and stay at Tui Ridge,

Thank-you for hosting us and having breakfast, lunch and dinner - it was so delicious.

It was fun doing our table sing off to go to bed, I tried singing ‘The wheels on the bus’ but

I couldn't stop laughing so I sat down,

and Corin stood up and sang the legendary “Baa baa black sheep”.

The activities were so fun.

I personally think that paintball was the absolute best and I bet,

nearly everyone can agree. I thrashed everyone in paintball, laser tag and nerf wars.

Flying fox was coming in a close 2nd place for the best activity.

I got so scared when I put the harness on walking up that stairway to heaven just to get to the flying fox

that was creating butterflies in my stomach. Nerf wars & laser tag were 3rd place.

My friend Mya said she would get revenge in paintball because I got her out in nerf wars twice and

she hit me 4 times so she definitely got revenge from sneaking up on me.

St Mary's Camp 2020 was one of the highlights of my life.

So THANK-YOU! Norm for providing the activities we did. It was so awesome.

No one can Thank-you enough.

Ngā mihi Charlie M
