Thursday 30 July 2020

July Reflection

Today we have been doing our July reflection.
I found it easy to write the words on the reflection
I found nothing hard
my digital learning shows I know how to add a picture to my blog

Thursday 23 July 2020

David Walliams fact files

This week we have started reading the book slime by David Walliams it is funny book  I think our entire class loves it. But this week we have also been learning about David Walliams and making fact files about him.
I enjoyed learning about David Walliams
I found it challenging to find free pictures about his books
My digital learning shows I know how to find free photos
Next time I would change nothing

R.E Challenge

This week we were making a poster on our term value which is faith.
I made it on google slides.
The success criteria was these.
You must have the value written somewhere easy to see.
You could...
Use a picture of what this looks like, feels like or sounds like.
Use a Bible quote about this value.
Use a synonym for this value.
Let your imagination run wild.
This week I was learning about faith.
I enjoyed creating this slide.
I found it challenging to do nothing.
My digital learning object shows that I know how to put a Google slide on to my blog in publish it.
Next time I would change nothing.

Wednesday 22 July 2020

Lion Report

This week we have been learning about lions and how to write a report. The report was cut up into strips and we had to put it back together. My group did not get it correct because we didn't know where the sentences should go.
I enjoyed learning .
I found it challenging to stick the right sentences in the right place.
My digital learning shows I can take a photo of my learning and post it on my blog.
Next time I would change where the sentences were put.
I now know our success criteria for structuring a report.
*To use a title
*To write a classification
*To write about their habitat
* To write a dynamic fact

Friday 3 July 2020

Matariki star

This week we have been learning about Matariki we made Matariki stars and every side represents a star there are 9 sars in Matariki I only did 4 because we chose how many we did

Manutukutuku (Kite)

This week we have been creating flax kites during this we learnt about perseverance means not giving up if your frustrated
This is my kite!

Thursday 2 July 2020

Matariki Breakfast

This morning we had a shared breakfast to celebrate Matariki.
I enjoyed baking our giant pancake.
Eva and Catalina help me the most.
Catalina helped me flip the giant pancake.
Catalina and anonymous made scrambled pancakes.
The big pancake is in the frying pan.