Monday 17 February 2020

museum visit

This is the waka that I made at school. People from the museum taught us about Horouta which is the waka that Paoa and Kiwa used to travel to Aotearoa. The people from the museum were so nice when they came to our school, and they taught us all about Paoa and Kiwa and how they travelled to Aotearoa

When Paoa and Kiwa
sailed from Hawaiki (we don't know where Hawaiki is. Do you?) to Aotearoa they were using a 
hourua waka, which is a double hulled waka. They brought kumara with them and this is how kumara first came to New Zealand. They were happily sailing along when they came to a sudden stop because they crashed into a sandbar at Ohiwa and the waka broke. Paoa had to go cut down a special tree to repair it. When Kiwa was in Ohiwa she made some minor repairs and sailed past the East Cape and on to Gisborne/Turanganui-a-kiwa which is where Paoa was sailing to, sitting on the tree down Waipaoa River. They meet out at Wainui Beach where they fixed the waka. 

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