Thursday 10 December 2020

what christmas means to me

 A couple days ago we had write what christmas means to me because the gisborne herald asked schools around gisborne to write what christmas means to me. Here is what I wrote to the gisborne herald

What does christmas mean to me
What christmas means to me. Christmas is a time to celebrate the birthday of Jesus Christ, we give presents to each other because Christmas is about giving others gifts of joy. Every year as a tradition my family travels to auckland or hamilton each christmas, and for christmas we have croissants for Christmas. -
-Charlie M-

Year goals update

 This is an update to my term 1 goals setting here are my goals I think I did good

Thursday 3 December 2020

Ice candles

 It was SO fun when we ripped the milk carton apart. We made Ice candles to make ice candles you will need,

oil, milk cartons, Ice, tall candles, stove top, pan and old candles

1st you cut off the tops of the milk cartons and spread oil around every side on the inside of the carton, while kids can do that, the adults can start melting the old candles. (then you wait for a bit for the candles to melt)

2nd stick the tall candles in the cartons and put ice around the candles

3rd The adult can pour the hot wax into the cartons and wait 24hrs 

here is what ours looks like!

Tuesday 1 December 2020

My November reflection

Today we have been doing our november reflection.

I enjoyed writing everything and remembering all the fun things.

It was tricky to tell my friend next to me to do his work.

Here is my work.

Friday 13 November 2020

POP ART Composition

 Today we made our pop art, we had to use the tool "Art colouring book" it was so fun and quick we had to pretend the we were at our houses in the summer holidays so nobody was allowed to talk.

We had to watch all the videos that were on our class blog and then we started to colour.

This was the site we used Art Colouring Book:

I chose this one at the bottom because it looked really funky and kind of crazy.

It was tricky to choose a photo to colour in.

I found it easy to colour in the photo

The person who made composition was Mohamed Melehi was Born in 1936. he was an art director at the ministry of culture and cultural consultant to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and cooperation.

This was Mohamed Melehi style of the art

This is my style of his artwork

Tuesday 10 November 2020

Rat Island prediction

 Today we filled out a form about the story "Rat Island" and we looked at the at the summary on the back the title and the cover and had jot down a couple of ideas on what the story might be about this was my prediction.

Friday 6 November 2020

Parihaka feather

 For parihaka we red 8 different information cards. And we had to fill in puzzle pieces and at the end it shaped like a feather here is a photo of our feather.

At the start of the 8th card it was fine but when it got to the end it didn't make sense but my partner figured it out.

On the 5 of november we remember all the people who died at parihaka.

Parihaka is a bit south of taranaki, on the fifth

Camp letter

 This week we have been writing letters to Tui Ridge I wrote to Norm who was hosting us there and letting us stay there Tui Ridge was so fun it was the time of life.                                                                                  Here is my letter to Norm.

Charlie M

40 Campion Rd


5 November 2020

Dear Norm

Thank-you for letting us come and stay at Tui Ridge,

Thank-you for hosting us and having breakfast, lunch and dinner - it was so delicious.

It was fun doing our table sing off to go to bed, I tried singing ‘The wheels on the bus’ but

I couldn't stop laughing so I sat down,

and Corin stood up and sang the legendary “Baa baa black sheep”.

The activities were so fun.

I personally think that paintball was the absolute best and I bet,

nearly everyone can agree. I thrashed everyone in paintball, laser tag and nerf wars.

Flying fox was coming in a close 2nd place for the best activity.

I got so scared when I put the harness on walking up that stairway to heaven just to get to the flying fox

that was creating butterflies in my stomach. Nerf wars & laser tag were 3rd place.

My friend Mya said she would get revenge in paintball because I got her out in nerf wars twice and

she hit me 4 times so she definitely got revenge from sneaking up on me.

St Mary's Camp 2020 was one of the highlights of my life.

So THANK-YOU! Norm for providing the activities we did. It was so awesome.

No one can Thank-you enough.

Ngā mihi Charlie M


Thursday 22 October 2020

The Crystal Crescent book review

 Today we finished reading the Crystal Crescent after we finished it we wrote a book review.

This is my book review. 

Tui Ridge Camp 2020

 Today we were writing out our camp rules and goals

Next week we are going on camp we are going to a place called Tui Ridge

we are going to do activetes like slingshot paint ball, laser tag and much, much more

I had fun writing my goals

I found it tricky to think of rules

These are my Camp Goals 2020

 This is my Camp rules at Tui Ridge

Wednesday 14 October 2020

Lunapic collage

 Today we were doing digital artwork. We were inspired by Andy Warhol to change and swap the colors on a selfie

Today I was learning how to use lunapic

I enjoyed changing the colours

I found it challenging to find the NZ flag

My digital learning object shows that I know how to use lunapic

Next time I would change nothing I like the way it looks

for the NZ flag I did UPLOAD > FILTERS > COUNTRY FLAGS > ART > and choose what art background.

Thursday 10 September 2020

My Speech 2020

This week we have been writing our speeches

It was really fun to write because I was being silly and I still got through it.

I found it tricky to find all the facts. I was going to do a heat comparison with fire and something else but I couldn't find anything so I did how dangerous it is to animals. 

Could you think of a heat comparison?

Thursday 3 September 2020


 NOTE! (It does say sooubway over all subway adds that say subway, me and my partner do mean subway we did it for fun)(subway please don't sue us)

We worked in buddys my partner was alison

For the last two weeks we are learning about advertisements and how we want to buy things

We found a picture of Charlie Puth with a brand deal with subway.

And justin bieber eating subway.

I found easy to insert the photos

I found it tricky to find the photos labeled for reuse

August Reflection

 This is our August reflection.

I found it easy to find the photos

I found it hard to think of all the words to write

Friday 21 August 2020

Sacraments of Initiation

 This week we have been learning about sacraments of initiation.

The three sacraments of initiation are eucharist, Confirmation and Baptism.

The sacraments are a sign of god's presences. 

I found nothing tricky to do.

I found it easy to insert the pictures.

I my digital learning shows that I know what the sacraments of initiation are.

Thursday 20 August 2020

The Pouakai (Haast’s eagle)

This week we have been writing about extinct native animals to New Zealand
Pouakai (Haast’s eagle)

The Haast’s eagle is the largest eagle to ever live.

The Moāri name for the haast eagle is Pouakai. 

The eagles wings were bigger than the a Smart Fortwo the wingspan is 3000 mm the cars length is 2,695 mm.

You would be able to find them in forests and near a lot of bush places. It lived on the South Island of New Zealand, there were no large predators there, until the māori people came.

The bill for the bird was up to 130 mm long.

The male eagle was smaller than 

the female eagle.

It preyed on large flightless birds like the moa which is 15x its weight the haast eagle weighs 17.8 kgs, and the moa weighed 230 kgs.

The māori hunted māori the moa to extinction due to the Haast’s eagles diet which quickly went extinct.

They also went extinct because of the burning of the south island about 500-600 years ago.


Monday 17 August 2020

Maths times table

 Today I went on a maths times table website.

This my graph on how good I did red means wong and green means right my some of my classmates got orange which we think means you didn't press enter in time. I am still learning a lot of times tables

I just learnt my 3x and 6x tables for this website

Friday 14 August 2020

Faith GIF

this is my faith gif we learnt about faith we were learning about what faith, god and jesus mean to us
I split up the R.E challenge poster

Thursday 30 July 2020

July Reflection

Today we have been doing our July reflection.
I found it easy to write the words on the reflection
I found nothing hard
my digital learning shows I know how to add a picture to my blog

Thursday 23 July 2020

David Walliams fact files

This week we have started reading the book slime by David Walliams it is funny book  I think our entire class loves it. But this week we have also been learning about David Walliams and making fact files about him.
I enjoyed learning about David Walliams
I found it challenging to find free pictures about his books
My digital learning shows I know how to find free photos
Next time I would change nothing

R.E Challenge

This week we were making a poster on our term value which is faith.
I made it on google slides.
The success criteria was these.
You must have the value written somewhere easy to see.
You could...
Use a picture of what this looks like, feels like or sounds like.
Use a Bible quote about this value.
Use a synonym for this value.
Let your imagination run wild.
This week I was learning about faith.
I enjoyed creating this slide.
I found it challenging to do nothing.
My digital learning object shows that I know how to put a Google slide on to my blog in publish it.
Next time I would change nothing.

Wednesday 22 July 2020

Lion Report

This week we have been learning about lions and how to write a report. The report was cut up into strips and we had to put it back together. My group did not get it correct because we didn't know where the sentences should go.
I enjoyed learning .
I found it challenging to stick the right sentences in the right place.
My digital learning shows I can take a photo of my learning and post it on my blog.
Next time I would change where the sentences were put.
I now know our success criteria for structuring a report.
*To use a title
*To write a classification
*To write about their habitat
* To write a dynamic fact

Friday 3 July 2020

Matariki star

This week we have been learning about Matariki we made Matariki stars and every side represents a star there are 9 sars in Matariki I only did 4 because we chose how many we did

Manutukutuku (Kite)

This week we have been creating flax kites during this we learnt about perseverance means not giving up if your frustrated
This is my kite!

Thursday 2 July 2020

Matariki Breakfast

This morning we had a shared breakfast to celebrate Matariki.
I enjoyed baking our giant pancake.
Eva and Catalina help me the most.
Catalina helped me flip the giant pancake.
Catalina and anonymous made scrambled pancakes.
The big pancake is in the frying pan.

Tuesday 30 June 2020

June Reflction

Today we completed our June reflection.
I found it easy to write everything. I found hard to go nothing.

Monday 29 June 2020

Pattern ball

This week we were learning about pattern ball
1. We are learning to communicate and work as a team
2. We had to throw in a pattern this is the order we threw in with one ball Cameron to Sione to Kharn to Willie to Logan to Sam tome and back to Cameron
3. These were the balls we used 1. The netball was a chest pass.
                                                    2.The football was a bounce pass.
                                                    3.The rugby ball was a spiral pass.
4.To communicate we had to call each others names.
5.We found it easy to throw the ball to each others.
6.we found it tricky to catch the ball.

Friday 26 June 2020


What is Matariki? 
Matariki is a Māori new year. Matariki is a time
to plan your future and to get ready to
harvest crops. Matariki is
visible in June or July.

How Many Stars are in the Matariki Constellation? 

Are there 7 or 9 stars? Matariki has 9 stars
according to Dr Rangi Matamua.
His tūpuna (ancestors) could see 9 stars with
the naked eyes. This is a map of the Matariki stars.

The Nine Matariki Stars
Matariki is the star that represents consideration, hope, our relation to the environment and the gathering of the public. Matariki is also linked to the health and prosperity of people.

Pōhutukawa is the star associated with those who have passed away.

Waitī is linked with all water bodies and foods within it.
the naked eyes. This is a map of the Matariki stars.
The Nine Matariki Stars
Matariki is the star that represents consideration, hope, our relation to the environment and the gathering of the public. Matariki is also linked to the health and prosperity of people.

Pōhutukawa is the star associated with those who have passed away.

Waitī is linked with all water bodies and foods within it.

Waitā is linked with the tide and food sources within it.

Waipuna-Ā-Rangi is connected with rain.

Tupuānuku is the star associated with
everything within the soil to be harvested like
beets and carrots and potatoes.

Tupuārangi is connected with everything that grows up in trees like fruits and birds.

Ururangi is the star connected to the winds.

Hiwa-i-te-Rangi is the star linked with granting
our needs, and realising our endeavor for the
new year.

Mrs Naden’s Comment: You have written an excellent explanation of Matariki.
Next time: use your own words. If you are just finding synonyms you need to be careful. 
Use lower case and capital letters correctly.

Public Holidays

Monday 22 June 2020

Times Tables

we are learning our times tables.
We are learning 2 each week.
This week I am learning 9x8 and 9x7

Thursday 18 June 2020

Comic Strip Ahmets journey

This week we were learning about Ahmet and what he had to do to get to london from syria
I enjoyed making my comic strip.
I found it challenging to make it.

What Helps and Hinders Refugees

Last week I was learning about what helps and hinders refugees

Wednesday 17 June 2020

Corpus Christi and Transubstantiation

we are learning about corpus christi and transubstantiation.
Corpus christi means body of christ in latin.

Tuesday 9 June 2020

Boy at the Back of the class. (refugee camp)

Today we were learning about the refugee camp in Boy at The Back of the Class.
I found it tricky to make the tent in the back right by flag on a angle (on the right of the flag)
I found it easy to google the greece flag
Next time I would change my landscape

The Holy Trinity

Today I was learning about the holy trinity and how its like an apple
I enjoyed learning about the holy trinity
I found it challenging to practice a perfect apple
My digital learning shows I know what the holy trinity is and

Monday 8 June 2020

My May refleaction

Today we did our may refetion and these are the things I did last month

Bling your Blog

Today we changed the background and header of our blogs

Thursday 4 June 2020


Today we were learning about their, there and they're. These are all homophones.
I found it easy to write all the words.
I found it tricky to figure out which word to put in.
Next time I will try to not crossout.
My digatal learning shows I know what homophones are.

Wednesday 3 June 2020


Jesus's helpers gathered in a room when suddenly a big gust of wind flew straight through the house shaking the room. And there was fire above all their heads and they started to speak in different languages. The non-believers thought this was a joke but then Peter told them they were filled with the Holy Spirit
The fire represents the wisdom and power of the Holy Spirit.
The dove represents the peace of the Holy Spirit.
If you turn my picture sideways, it goes from being a flame to a dove.

Tuesday 2 June 2020

Torch challenge

WALT (we are learning to) make a closed circuit
My group found it easy to connect the wires to the batteries
My group found it tricky to make the circuit 
Next time we would research what we did wrong

Friday 29 May 2020

Hail mary

In the last week we have been learning how to do the hail mary in sign language this is me trying to attempt  it


For the last couple of weeks we have been learning about  Writing we have been learning to use a hook. We had to use juicy verbs and different sentence starters.
I found it easy to use different sentence starters.
I found it challenging to write on some slides
Next time I would change nothing

The Fake Soccer Tournament

This week for Writing we have been learning to use a hook. We had to use juicy verbs and different sentence starters.
I found it easy to use different sentence starters.
I found it challenging to use juicy verbs.
Next time I would add more juicy verbs to paint a picture in the reader's mind.
 OWW!  I landed on my shoulder after someone tripped me up and I heard someone to give me CPR although I wasn’t dead. GOAL! We screamed as Logan scored an outstanding goal from halfway off the left post which is hard to hit and a couple minutes later Cole did the exact same thing but a bit closer.
But then when we started again at the middle someone rushed him as soon as he kicked it and they smashed his ankle he said “it felt like having a twisted ankle for a long time”

Everyone was astonished by the score 
When we won 7 to 3. And then we went inside because the bell rang.

It felt like winning the World Cup

Monday 25 May 2020

The Ascension Of Jesus

Today we were listing and learning about the ascension of Jesus

I enjoyed goofing around with the shapes

I found it challenging to use google drawing

My digital learning object shows that I know what the

Next time I would change the stick figures

Next time I would change